
A lot and a lot more ;)


Bangalore (or any other city) for women

It is always great to see that people come up with initiatives for building a safer city for women.

Flash news:
Today I read that now Khap won’t allow jeans and t-shirts for girls, huh nothing new isn’t it. After all they are the people who can justify rape too!

The Sad Truth:
While I was growing up I was told to be different. Different than my brother. I was suppose to be home early. This concept was very acceptable and seemed ‘okay’. Today as I look back I see the problem lies right there. We as women are TOLD that we can or cannot do certain things and when we do otherwise any outcome is something we have called upon us by our actions!

From Porbandar to Rajkot to Ahmedabad to Mysore to Bangalore:
Nothing, means nothing is different. Same set of eve-teasers, same abusing guys in nooks and corners and well same attitude. I have been in trouble a couple of times here in Bangalore just the way I was in Rajkot.
Here are the links to the incidents Bus trouble, On the wayback home.

Bangalore for women:
Yes! I would say it is ‘comparatively’ safer to say ummm.. Delhi! But safety on comparative terms isn’t effective way of measurement, is it?

What we need?
We need ‘men’ to understand the value of women! (now that is generic and far from possible in many ways)
All the guys who are up for the cause are in some way better than the ones who are not. But everyone is biased in some way or the other. Protection is women has become a bigger point while taking ‘revenge’ (I mean literally) from the culprit isn’t that important, nor is teaching lesson or well STOPPING it.

I Pray For A Better & Safer City To Live
For That I Would Give Whatever I can Give!



Twitterverse – because everyone has a need to be needed

Every living soul has a need to be needed.

I have been on twitter for a year now. Out of 2546 tweeps who follow me and 1749 I follow I have seen one thing in common. “Need”

If you say I don’t need to be on twitter, I’m on it just like that. I’m sorry. Probably you are mistaken.

Twitter is fun! I have found my family here.
@Arpitaappu @VishalSatani @_Sea_Hawk@iA_Myth @In_theBRAT @krishnanpc @twitbandana  is my twitter family since a year now!

Being away from home, may be I can’t call my parents for help but I’m sure these (@gupshupblog too) guys would help me anytime I need.

Even though they are far (@VishalSatani @_Sea_Hawk @krishnanpc @twitbandana  @devoirtech @Sheer_khurma ) I know they will be there to support me.

Then there are these people I knew for quite a long time and now twitter is our best mode of communication. (@HTravadi @nhmerchant)

Apart from these I also follow some biggies J (@gupshupblog is also a biggie J )

I have a #chai cheers group which shares my interest with tea and then there are these #TwitterBrothers  #TwitterSisters who happily call me didi/sis!

I went through a rough patch, a really really rough patch and all these (including @casanovacupid) helped me through it.

All I want to say is I love twitter and for those who do not understand it I’m sorry you might never, till you don’t use it the right way and understand the importance of relations you build right there!

I might have missed many handles here (#TeamPositive  #TeamFafda and many more) but the fact is that I can go on and on and I tell you, it is the NEED to be needed and NEED to fulfill someone’s need that bounds us.

I might not interact with all those 2K friends but I know I’m one tweet away from finding help and one request for rt away for getting more help.

Tweet Tweet! Social media has allowed us to touch new horizons and make friends without borders. It has made us realize that you don’t have to meet someone to fall in love, to be a friend or to understand, support and show affection.

(Not to mention my twitter addiction is the reason I’ve got my job @mHealthTips!!)

Remember this quote:

“Twitter provides us with a wonderful platform to discuss/confront societal problems. We trend Justin Bieber instead.” 
Lauren Leto

Cheers to beautiful life!
Cheers to Twitter!